Results for 'Pek Hoon Er'

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  1.  51
    Socio-ethical Education in Nanotechnology Engineering Programmes: A Case Study in Malaysia. [REVIEW]Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, Pek Hoon Er & Punita Visvanathan - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1341-1355.
    The unique properties of nanotechnology have made nanotechnology education and its related subjects increasingly important not only for students but for mankind at large. This particular technology brings educators to work together to prepare and produce competent engineers and scientists for this field. One of the key challenges in nanotechnology engineering is to produce graduate students who are not only competent in technical knowledge but possess the necessary attitude and awareness toward the social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. In (...)
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    Tecsîm ve Teşbîh İçerdiği İddiasıyla Bişr el-Merīsī Taraftarlarının Tartışma Konusu Yaptığı Bazı Hadisler.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1401-1423.
    Bişr el-Merîsî taraftarları ile Osman ed-Dârimî arasında burada tartışma konusu yapılan hadisler haberî sıfatları konu alan ve müşkil nitelikte olan rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu rivayetleri genelde Bişr el-Merîsî ve taraftarlarının tecsîm ve teşbîh içerdiği iddiasıyla münker kabul ettikleri görülmektedir. Ehl-i re’y özellikleri taşımakla birlikte ilahî sıfatlar konusunda Mu’tezilî bir anlayışa sahip olduklarından tenzih anlayışları gereği sıfatları reddetmektedirler. Yaratılmışlara ait niteliklerin yaratıcıya nisbet edilmesini tenzîh anlayışlarına aykırı gördüklerinden bu tür müşkil rivayetleri ya kendi anlayışları doğrultusunda te’vîl ya da reddettikleri gözlenmektedir. Sert bir (...)
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  3. Esmâ-i Hüsnâya Dayanan Kelâm Anlayışı: Ebû İshak es-Saffâr Örneği [The Understanding of Kalām Based on al-Asmāʾ al-Husnā: The Case of Abū Isḥāq al-Ṣaffār].Hümeyra Sevgülü Haciibrahimoğlu & Abdullah Demir - 2021 - Ankara: Oku Okut Yayınları [Oku Okut Publishing].
    Bu kitapta, Ebû İshâk es-Saffâr’ın (öl. 534/1139) kelâmî görüşleri, Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd adlı eserinde Allah’ın isimlerinin anlamlarını açıklarken yaptığı yorumlar çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Ebû İshâk es-Saffâr, 6./12. yüzyıl Hanefî-Mâtürîdî âlimlerinden biridir. Kelâma dair Telḫîṣü’l-edille eserinde esmâ-i hüsnâ konusuna ayrıntılı olarak yer vermektedir. İki cilt hâlinde yayımlanan bu eserin yaklaşık üçte birlik bir kısmını esmâ-i hüsnâ konusu oluşturmaktadır. Bu kısım incelendiğinde, Saffâr’ın Allah’ın varlığı, birliği ve sıfatları ile ilgili konular başta olmak üzere pek çok konuyu 175 esmâ-i hüsnâya dayanarak izah ettiği görülmektedir. (...)
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    Rekindling Union Democracy Through the Use of Sortition.Simon Pek - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1033-1051.
    There is a long-standing and growing interest in democratizing labor unions. Union democracy is important for many reasons, including fostering greater member voice in the workplace and society, improving the internal effectiveness of unions, building members’ capacities to engage in democracy in other contexts, and helping foster union renewal. Despite these benefits, democracy in unions as practiced today is characterized by several problems. In this paper, I analyze several of the remedies to increase union democracy proposed to date by scholars (...)
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    Anatomy of the Unsought Finding. Serendipity: Orgin, History, Domains, Traditions, Appearances, Patterns and Programmability.Pek Andevanl - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):631-648.
    I define serendipity as the art of making an unsought finding. And I propose an overview of my collection of serendipities, the largest yet assembled, chiefly in science and technology, but also in art, by giving a list of ‘serendipity patterns’. Although my list of ‘patterns’ is just a list and not a classification, it serves to introduce a new and possibly stimulating perspective on the old subject of serendipity. Knowledge of these ‘serendipity patterns’ might help in expecting also the (...)
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  6. Anatomy of the unsought finding. Serendipity: Origin, history, domains, traditions, appearances, patterns and programmability.Pek van Andel - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):631-648.
    I define serendipity as the art of making an unsought finding. And I propose an overview of my collection of serendipities, the largest yet assembled, chiefly in science and technology, but also in art, by giving a list of ‘serendipity patterns’. Although my list of ‘patterns’ is just a list and not a classification, it serves to introduce a new and possibly stimulating perspective on the old subject of serendipity. Knowledge of these ‘serendipity patterns’ might help in expecting also the (...)
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  7.  15
    The Logic of Hate Speech: Statistical Discrimination and Human Rights.Hoon Choi - 2019 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 94:135-155.
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    A touchstone of consent?Louise Hoon - 2016 - Res Publica 58 (4):445-471.
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    Education in morality.Sim Sock Hoon - 1992 - In Kim Chong Chong, Moral perspectives. Singapore: Singapore University Press, National University of Singapore.
  10.  24
    Risk Analysis and Logical Response Model for BSE.Choi Hoon - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 14:119-143.
  11.  13
    A Bibliografphy Study about Particles İn Turkish.Birol İpek - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2019-2028.
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    A Study on Hangul Translation of the Western Korean Studies.Hoon-Sang Lee - 2019 - Cogito 87:97-128.
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    Hamann, Condescension, and Divine Hiddenness.Hoon J. Lee - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):49-55.
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    Business and the Climate Crisis: Toward Engagement With Climate Assemblies.Simon Pek - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (4):699-703.
    Businesses and business scholars interested in tackling climate change can benefit by engaging with the innovative but nascent movement of climate assemblies. I articulate three promising ways they can meaningfully engage with this movement.
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    Two is Infinite, Gender is Post-Social in Papua New Guinea.Hoon Song - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (2):123 - 144.
    Angelaki, Volume 17, Issue 2, Page 123-144, June 2012.
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  16.  21
    How to Address Non-normality: A Taxonomy of Approaches, Reviewed, and Illustrated.Jolynn Pek, Octavia Wong & Augustine C. M. Wong - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398398.
    The linear model often serves as a starting point for applying statistics in psychology. Often, formal training beyond the linear model is limited, creating a potential pedagogical gap because of the pervasiveness of data non-normality. We reviewed 61 recently published undergraduate and graduate textbooks on introductory statistics and the linear model, focusing on their treatment of non-normality. This review identified at least eight distinct methods suggested to address non-normality, which we organize into a new taxonomy according to whether the approach: (...)
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  17.  30
    The Role of Deliberative Mini-Publics in Improving the Deliberative Capacity of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives.Simon Pek, Sébastien Mena & Brent Lyons - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (1):102-145.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs)—private governance mechanisms involving firms, civil society organizations, and other actors deliberating to set rules, such as standards or codes of conduct, with which firms comply voluntarily—have become important tools for governing global business activities and the social and environmental consequences of these activities. Yet, this growth is paralleled with concerns about MSIs’ deliberative capacity, including the limited inclusion of some marginalized stakeholders, bias toward corporate interests, and, ultimately, ineffectiveness in their role as regulators. In this article, we (...)
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  18.  23
    Brothers in Arms and Brothers in Christ?: The Military and the Catholic Church as Sources for Modern Korean Masculinity.Hoon Choi - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):75-92.
    In this essay I examine how compulsory military service and the Roman Catholic Church uphold and perpetuate an inadequate notion of masculinity in South Korea. I argue that the militaristic and Catholic definitions of masculinity significantly and pejoratively affect Korean culture. To unlearn these definitions, I propose an educational "readjusting" program that denounces any unjust discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.
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    A Selection of Proverbs from Tahsin Ömer’s “Darb-ı Mesellerimiz Hakkında Tahlili Tedkikat”.Abdulmuttalip İpek - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1527-1539.
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    Establishing a clinical ethics support service: lessons from the first 18 months of a new Australian service – a case study.Elizabeth Hoon, Jessie Edwards, Gill Harvey, Jaklin Eliott, Tracy Merlin, Drew Carter, Stewart Moodie & Gerry O’Callaghan - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    Background Although the importance of clinical ethics in contemporary clinical environments is established, development of formal clinical ethics services in the Australia health system has, to date, been ad hoc. This study was designed to systematically follow and reflect upon the first 18 months of activity by a newly established service, to examine key barriers and facilitators to establishing a new service in an Australian hospital setting. Methods: how the study was performed and statistical tests used A qualitative case study (...)
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  21.  66
    A Responsive Approach to Organizational Misconduct in advance.Stephanie Bertels, Michael Cody & Simon Pek - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):343-370.
    In this article, we examine how regulators, prosecutors, and courts might support and encourage the efforts of organizations to not only reintegrate after misconduct but also to improve their conduct in a way that reduces their likelihood of re-offense. We explore a novel experiment in creative sentencing in Alberta Canada that aimed to try to change the behaviour of an industry by publicly airing the root causes of a failure of one the industry’s leaders. Drawing on this case and prior (...)
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  22.  21
    How to Understand Correctly Sandel’s Gift Argument(II).Hoon Choi - 2018 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 90:125-154.
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    Mathematics in Context: A Case in Early Nineteenth-Century Korea.Jun Yong Hoon - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (4):475-512.
    ArgumentThis paper aims to show how a nineteenth-century Korean scholar's mathematical study reflects the Korean intellectual environment of his time by focusing on the rule of false double position and the method of root extraction. There were two major trends in Korean mathematics of the early nineteenth century: the first was “Tongsan,” literally “Eastern Mathematics,” which largely depended on Chinese mathematics of the Song and Yuan period adopting counting rod calculation; the second trend was Western mathematics, which was transmitted by (...)
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  24.  26
    Feminism and Vegetarianism.Choi Hoon - 2011 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 15 (null):205-231.
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    Causes of Mental Agonies and a Method of Curing Them Based on the Five heaps.Choi Dong Hoon - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 82:105-124.
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  26.  48
    Rawls, Contractarianism, and Animals.Choi Hoon - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 15:31-59.
  27.  17
    The Personal knowledge of M. Polanyi and Virtue Epistemology.Oh Seung Hoon - 2007 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 45:223-245.
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  28.  38
    The World Where the Lion Eats Straw Like the Ox - The Ethical Problems of Predation -.Choi Hoon - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 23:135-162.
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    A Mixed Methods Study on Technology Competencies of 4-6 Age Quran Course Instructor.Yasemin İpek & Ali Öncü - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (62):111-148.
    This research was carried out within the framework of the question of the level of technical competencies of 4-6 age Quran course teachers and the factors that affect this competence positively or negatively. The main reason for creating such an issue as a problem and working is to draw attention to the importance of using technology in education and training processes that emerged with the pandemic process. In the study, an explanatory sequential design which is one of the mixed methods (...)
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    Enclitics In Dıv'nü Lûgati’t-Turk.Birol İpek - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1199-1212.
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    Mu’tezile’nin Kur’an-ı Kerim’in Bel'gatına Yönelik Eleştirilere Verdiği Cevaplar: K'dî Abdulcabb'r - İbnü’r-R'vendî Örneği.Mikail İpek - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):563-597.
    Prophets are messengers in charge of communicating the orders and prohibitions they received from God. Throughout history, there are those who believe in these prophets as well as those who do not. While the thought rejecting prophethood sometimes manifested itself as a trend, sometimes it came out on a personal basis. For example, the "Berâhime", known to be of Indian origin, and the "Sümeniyya" movement, which has different rumors about its origin, can be given as examples. Again, it can be (...)
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    Sound Changes In Foreing Borrowings And Dialects Of Elazığ City.Birol İpek - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1558-1573.
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  33. Es braucht die Regel nicht: wittgenstein on rules and meaning.Kathrin Glüer & Åsa Wikforss - 2009 - In Daniel Whiting, The later Wittgenstein on language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    According to the received view the later Wittgenstein subscribed to the thesis that speaking a language requires being guided by rules (thesis RG). In this paper we question the received view. On its most intuitive reading, we argue, (RG) is very much at odds with central tenets of the later Wittgenstein. Giving up on this reading, however, threatens to deprive the notion of rule-following of any real substance. Consequently, the rule-following considerations cannot charitably be read as a deep and subtle (...)
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    Longitudinal Model Building Using Latent Transition Analysis: An Example Using School Bullying Data.Ji Hoon Ryoo, Cixin Wang, Susan M. Swearer, Michael Hull & Dingjing Shi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Feminist Encounters with Confucius.Mathew Foust & Sor-Hoon Tan (eds.) - 2016 - Boston, USA: Brill.
    This collection contributes to current debates and explores new topics of engagement between Feminism and Confucius’s teachings, variously interpreted. Besides care ethics and role ethics, questions of gender oppression and education, it includes essays on epistemology and environmental ethics.
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  36. Imagining confucius: Paradigmatic characters and virtue ethics.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32 (3):409-426.
  37. Sefer Śimḥat Mordekhai: ḳovets maʼamre ṿe-ḥidushe... Mordekhai Gifṭer, z. ts. l., rosh Yeshivat Ṭelz.Mordekhai Gifṭer - 2013 - Lakewood, NJ: Shual Dovid Jacob. Edited by Shual Dovid Jacob.
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    Text-close thick translations in two English versions of Laozi.Weixing Huang, Ang Lay Hoon, Ser Wue Hiong & Hardev Kaur - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (3):231-247.
    ABSTRACTLaozi is the most translated Chinese text. It has profound philosophical thoughts and is written in a pithy style. It is essential to present its cultural, social, and historical contexts t...
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  39. Into the "imaginary" and "real" place : Stan Douglas's site-specific film and video projection.Ji-Hoon Kim - 2011 - In John David Rhodes & Elena Gorfinkel, Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Helt de ivoren toren naar links?Pieter Pekelharing, Louise Hoon & Soumia Akachar - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (2):105-116.
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    Model Evaluation in Generalized Structured Component Analysis Using Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis.Ji Hoon Ryoo & Heungsun Hwang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sexual Difference Between Psychoanalysis and Vitalism.Arun Saldanha & Hoon Song (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    Throughout the twentieth century, psychoanalysis and feminism were the practico-intellectual fields most systematic and subversive in demonstrating that humanity is sexually fissured. More recently, further advances in the philosophy of difference and renewed emphases on embodiment, materiality and life offer possibilities for attending to dimensions of gender and sexuality that were previously underdeveloped. This collection examines these possibilities insofar as they can either deepen or displace the traditional centrality of psychoanalysis in matters sexual. The authors come from a wide range (...)
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    Arap Yarımadasında Roman.Muhammet Selim İpek - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):411-411.
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    (1 other version)Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalizing World.Sor-Hoon Tan & John Whalen-Bridge (eds.) - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the significance of Dewey’s thought on democracy for the contemporary world.
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    Huang, junjie, and J iang yihua, eds., New explorations of public and private spheres: Comparison of east asian and western view points 公私領域新探:東亞與西方觀點之比較.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (2):221-224.
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    Introduction.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2012 - Comparative Philosophy 4 (1):3-6.
    This is the introduction to the content of the jounrnal's special issue (vol. 4 no. 1 / January 2013) celebrating the tenth anniversary of the International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP), which includes five peer-reviewed articles by ISCWP members.
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    Mou Zongsan's concept of Immanent-transcendence.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2021 - Journal of International Communication of Chinese Culture 8 (2).
    This paper examines the meaning and importance of the concept of immanent-transcendence in Mou’s assertion that Chinese philosophy is unique and superior, through his engagement with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and his comparisons of Chinese and Western philosophical traditions. Rejecting Kant’s “epistemological path” as deficient, Mou argues that knowledge of the transcendent is possible through moral practice, as demonstrated by the Confucian tradition. His merging of immanence and transcendence implies a different relation between ethics and religion compared with the (...)
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  48. Merit and Inequality: Confucian and Communitarian Perspectives on Singapore’s Meritocracy.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2024 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 41:29-64.
    This paper compares criticisms of Singapore’s meritocracy, especially against its impact on income disparities and class divisions, with Michael Sandel’s critique of the meritocratic ethic in the United States. Despite significant differences in their history and politics, meritocracy has similar dysfunctions in both societies, allowing us to draw theoretical conclusions about meritocracy as an ideal of governance. It then contrasts Sandel’s communitarian critique of meritocracy with recent Confucian promotion of political meritocracy and meritocratic justice and argues that the Confucian principle (...)
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  49. Of Diversities and Comparisons..Sor-Hoon Tan - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):111-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Of Diversities and Comparisons...Sor-hoon TanEncyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy. Edited by Antonio S. Cua. New York and London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. 1,020.Encyclopedias can be useful in teaching philosophy when students need some reading that sets out the basics on a key topic in a few pages without their getting lost in too many complex details or being misled by oversimplifications. They can also be edifying for the philosophy teacher (...)
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    The Mediating Role of Meaning in Life in the Effects of Calling on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Growth: A Longitudinal Study of Navy Soldiers Deployed to the Gulf of Aden.Jeong Hoon Seol, Yonguk Park, Jinsoo Choi & Young Woo Sohn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined the mediating role of meaning in life in the effect of calling on posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among navy soldiers of the Republic of Korea deployed to the Gulf of Aden, Somalia. Participants responded to the questionnaire survey three times at 4-month intervals. From the first, second, and third surveys, data were collected for 223, 195, and 103 respondents, respectively. Results showed that calling had a negative effect on PTSD, fully mediated by meaning in life, (...)
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